
More of the Same . . . November 2022

More of the Same I guess the big news for November was that Mt. Bachelor opened on time (November 30) with a very healthy base. On the real estate front, things weren’t quite so exciting . . . it was basically just a bit more of the same. One thing, for sure, the market certainly…


October 2022 . . . “Blah”

A “Blah” Month It seems that October is always sort of dull, for lack of a better term: a rather “blah” month. The excitement and frenzy of summer is past, the tourists are gone; the anticipation of snow and a good winter is just that–anticipation. But, I guess there’s always high school football (especially this…


Bend Real Estate . . . September 2022 (and a trip to Atlanta, Idaho)

Bend Real Estate . . . September 2022 It’s tough, month after month, to try to come up with some sort of witty or clever title for ones email newsletter. After a while, every post begins to sound the same; only the numbers are different. Here we go again . . . we saw the…


August 2022 . . . “Smoke Season”

End of Summer (in the City) While the “Dog Days” (don’t worry, no more Florence and The Machine) are now behind us, the August weather in Bend continued to scorch . . . as we moved into “smoke season” with 22 days of over 90 degrees, to be exact. What’s that you say about “climate…


Hot, Hot, Hot (The Weather, Not The Market)

Dog Days of Summer While the “Dog Days of Summer” brought sweltering weather to Bend, the real estate wasn’t so hot. Things stalled out a bit. And, as our fearless pundit had prophesied a month ago (” . . . we’ll be lucky to see 175 sales in July”), the market took the hint and…


Inventory Swells; Bend’s Median Price Sinks

What’s Up? June 2022 In past months, we’ve hinted at change ahead in our market. Well, that change is here . . . reflected by a rather substantial increase in our available inventory. While still a strong “seller’s market,” we’ve seen our available inventory jump to 1.9 months overall . . . the first real…


The Times They Are A-Changin’ . . .

The Shift Is On The times have actually been changing for awhile; the market shift has been subtly happening for months. We’ve seen a bit of a rise in available inventory–both nationally and locally (up to 1.3 months now!). Even a move slightly into buyer’s territory; though still a very long ways from an actual…


April 2022 . . . A Crazy Month!

A Crazy Month A  crazy month . . . we’ve whined about a lack of snow at Mt. Bachelor for most of the season, then along comes April . . .  dumping more snow than what we saw in the previous three months combined. Some truly epic powder days (most of which occurred while your…


When Will Bend Home Prices Drop?

When Will Home Prices Drop in Bend? I think the short answer is “not any time soon.” The continuing shortage of available inventory combined with the seemingly insatiable demand (“everyone wants to live in Bend!”) will surely keep things rolling for awhile at least. Still there are rumblings, and a couple of recent articles that…


February 2022 . . . Bend’s Median Price Soars to $769,000

February 2022 Once in a very great while, our resident pundit gets it right. In February, he did just that. In last month’s “Looking Ahead” section, he casually stated that Bend’s median priced home might top $700,000 . . . an impossible number you say . . . we all thought so! But it did…