Road Trip . . . The Oregon Coast
The Real Bend Oregon Real Estate Expert
Even the penultimate canine real state guru, the true Bend Oregon real estate expert, occasionally gets tired of the bad news regarding both the national level and our own housing market here in Central Oregon. All this pedantic shit about double dip inflation and the stalled recovery just makes me want to get out of town and take a vacation.
Road Trip . . . the Oregon Coast
Now, I’ve always considered myself to be rather an urbane chap, a high brow if you will. I’ve hung in the best neighborhoods . . . Broken Top, Awbrey Glen, Tetherow, The Highlands. I’ve visited some of the nicest homes in Bend. I’ve rubbed shoulders with and sniffed the aristocracy. Reality is . . . I’ve never been to the Oregon Coast.
The day dawned bright and crisp, like most others here in Central Oregon. I rose, stretched languorously, and went about my normal daily ablutions (I think that may be an Australian word). I woofed a quick breakfast, and we hopped into the car.
Actually, I clamored rather clumsily into the back of our Volvo Cross Country . . . my back legs aren’t what the used to be.
We hustled out Hwy 126 though Sisters, then hurtled past Suttle Lake and over the Santiam Pass. My large wet nose was a quiver with all the glorious new aromas. The countryside was magnificent. I felt like a bit of a country bumpkin, however, never having seen the McKenzie River before now.
We passed through Eugene, home of the Ducks. And, of course, my master repeated for the 99th. time his story of how he taught Mike Bellotti “everything he knows.” I guess they were classmates or something. We paused at a lake to eat;
I had to stay on my leash.
We finally reached the coast at Florence . . . the fresh sea air felt salubrious, the smells amazing. We got out of the car and trotted though the powdery fine sand . . . I was thankful to have those over-sized all terrain paws!
I scooted down to the water; it was friggin’ freezing! My master dragged me out pretty deep,
and, because I was thirsty after the extensive drive, I took a big slurp of the icy brew. Ppfft! Like I said, I’d never been to the ocean before.
We headed north up the coast
to the quaint (my word!) little town of Yachats. We found a rather rustic hotel, the Yachats Inn, with knotty pine paneling and a wood-burning stove; it even catered to Airedales (I had my own towel).
We walked a bit more on the beach (my mistress has a lot of energy).
I tried to take a few photos.
I think I still prefer the sunsets in Central Oregon.
Road Trip (cont.)
The next morning we took a hike in the famous Cape Perpetua area. My master sort of blew it . . . he parked at the top of the hill
so we had a quick scamper down and then a trudge back up. The vistas were amazing, and I saw some of the strangest trees ever;
nothing like the twisted junipers and tall ponderosas that I’m accustomed to.
Though it was a great trip and a learning experience for me, I’m very happy to be back home in Bend.
If you liked this travel log, check out some of my other efforts . . . Me and Molly B or No Humping. You can also search anonymously for homes in Bend.
This morning I got up early, and, for a change, didn’t think about the Bend Oregon real estate market. I took my dog for a walk
<a href=””><img class=”frame alignnone size-full wp-image-3410″ title=”The true Bend Oregon real estate expert” src=”” alt=”” width=”460″ height=”300″ /></a>
out through Tetherow,
<a href=””><img class=”frame alignnone size-full wp-image-3407″ title=”Tetherow in Bend Oregon” src=”” alt=”” width=”460″ height=”300″ /></a>
played an hour of tennis at the Athletic Club of Bend. Then showered and dressed in my Sunday best, I set off downtown to the <strong>Sotheby’s</strong> office to work.
<h3>Feelin’ good in Bend Oregon</h3>
I felt good as I drove though Broken Top, marveling again at the park-like feel and the <a href=””><strong>beautiful homes</strong></a>.
<a href=””><img class=”frame alignnone size-full wp-image-3406″ title=”Stunning Broken Top custom home in Bend Oregon listed by Sandy Kohlmoos” src=”” alt=”” width=”460″ height=”300″ /></a>
I meandered casually through Drake Park and past Mirror Pond,
<a href=””><img class=”frame alignnone size-full wp-image-3411″ title=”Mirror Pond in Bend Oregon” src=”” alt=”” width=”460″ height=”300″ /></a>
the late summer morning air crisp and bright (probably a 50 degree temperature change in store for the day) and considered how lucky we are to live in a place like Bend.
I further contemplated how lame I was going to sound, trying to put all these happy thoughts into what has heretofore been mostly a real estate blog. Then I thought again. Forget all the puerile verbiage . . . “Visit Bend” has just done a fantastic video that pretty much captures our lifestyle and my thoughts.
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For those of you who have actually made it this far . . . yes, there really is some significance to the picture of a cranky Bob Dylan at the top of the post. He and John Cougar Mellencamp played the Les Schwab Amphitheater on Friday night. Maybe a topic for another post.
<p style=”text-align: justify;”><a href=”http://”><strong>Search anonymously for homes in Bend Oregon</strong></a>.</p>