Bend Dog Park Etiquette

300 Days of Sunshine?

Looks like the Bend Oregon real estate market isn’t cooling off with the weather . . .  my master is certainly busy, and it seems that downtown is bustling. Maybe it’s the spring break shoppers.


I love the snow; this 300 days of sunshine shit in Central Oregon  (that the Chamber of Commerce  extols) gets me me down a bit.  My impervious, wiry black and tan coat, while great for repelling rain and shedding snowflakes, is just too hot during our  occasional unseasonably warm stretches.  Now that things have cooled down, I’m again ready to take pen in paw and elucidate.

Dog Parks in Bend

Yesterday, I wrote a piece on the great Riverbend Dog Park,


located on a calm section (great dog-paddling) of the Deschutes River on the westside of Bend Oregon, just across from a really neat townhome community called, strangely enough, Deschutes Landing. I tried to use big words then and key phrases like “acute sense of propriety” in the hopes that the search engines would send spiders crawling through my post.

Etiquette at the Park

Anyway, today I’d like to talk about etiquette at the dog park. I can’t say that my thoughts are original (or even things that I’ve figured out for myself) . . . many of them are courtesy of Mare Shey, a famous dog lady in Central Oregon. I attended her obedience classes when I was just a rambunctious pup, however, I’m not sure I got as much out of them as I should have . . . my master and I spent an inordinate amount of our class time in the equivalent of “doggie solitary”–our noses glued to the wall as our classmates, human and canine alike, cavorted about behind us. I was “invited” to “retake” the basic obedience course. But, I digress.

Before I enter the park, I look around with my alert brown eyes . . . I try to ascertain who’s there and who’s not.


Are they sniffing, playing, or scratching? If I feel at all intimidated or uncomfortable, I stroll up the street and admire another section of the river.

deschutes river

Sometimes, I even trot through residential neighborhoods and look (I hate to admit it!) at houses in Bend.



No Humping

I prefer to mingle with smaller groups of pets, usually of similar ilk. I don’t like it when dogs bully each other or guard their toys. My master always says that the dog park is not the place to socialize ones beast. He’s always telling me, “no humping, pinning, prolonged body stiffening or body slamming.” He does have a way with words!


Here are a few more tips from me (and Mare):

  • Pick up and dispose of (properly) all fecal matter and other waste
  • Leave the toys outside the park
  • Do not bring young kids to the park
  • Don’t bring more than 5 dogs to the park
  • See my master’s quote above

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