Hottest Hulks (Hunks?) in Bend Oregon Real Estate
Hottest Realtors in Central Oregon
Occasionally a post has to be fun (especially amidst all the dreary housing data). This one is like no other . . . I guess I have to be careful in attempting parody or satire. I’ve modified the title only slightly.
In trying to become a more knowledgeable broker in Bend Oregon, and, at the same time, researching material for this blog on Central Oregon real estate, I do a fair amount of reading and perusing of the internet. I recently came upon upon the following, and was instantly inspired (I guess that’s the appropriate word). I may even organize a contest like this in Central Oregon to help promote our Bend market and perhaps sell more homes:
Whatever Your Sexual Preference . . . We’re Not Going to Ask!
Just remember, “do not feel that you have to be hot, per se; it’s about being single. It’s about being a man and about being confident in yourself. It’s not necessarily about you have, you know, a washboard stomach.”
The information is courtesy of Here’s the rest of it:
During the month of July I, dotJenna, will be conducting a very thorough analysis of the Top 10 Hottest Bachelors of Real Estate throughout the US of A. Why am I doing this? Because I can. Because I wear hot pink everyday. Because I stand on my head during my seminars. What I’m saying is I’ve nothing to lose–but so much FUN to gain!
Top 10 Hottest Bachelors in Real Estate Rules
Submit your nominations. You may nominate any US real estate agent, broker or investor to this contest. You may nominate yourself. Girls, be on the look-out for HOT US REAL ESTATE BACHELORS. Ask their permission please before you submit their pics. Nominate your single friends. I will have a release that needs to be signed for each contestant.
Nomination Process. Nominations must be made on my Facebook page. You must be a “liker” of my fan page in order to nominate a Real Estate Bachelor.
>> CLICK HERE to View Contestants!!!
>> CLICK HERE for Official Rules!!!
I look forward to hearing from all of you.
If you know any Real Estate Professionals who are also Bachelors or Body Builders, please pass this along to them!!!
Includes: Real Estate Agents, Home Builders, Real Estate Investors, Mortgage Officers
Bend Oregon Real Estate
Sign up for the local contest.