Inventory Woes Continue in January
A Recap of 2021 Despite the pandemic and its associated difficulties, 2021 was another stellar year for real estate in Bend. Here’s a quick recap, broken down into quarterly sales: Quarter # of Sales Median Price Q1 449 $590,000 Q2 723 $640,000 Q3 708 $650,000 Q4 596 $675,000 A total of 2476 sold; median price…
December 2021 . . . The Year Comes to an End (Finally)
The Year Comes to an End Whew! Finally! It seemed like the year would never end . . . another year of masks, vaccines, quarantines, mandates, and divisiveness. Also, another year of frenzied real estate activity in Bend. It seemed that 2o20 was one for the ages, but 2021 topped it! Historic inventory shortages, unabated…
Bend’s Median Skies to $685,000
An All-Time High . . . $685,000 Bend’s impatient wait for snow at Mt. Bachelor in November was superseded by the huge bump in our real estate market’s median price . . . up to $685,000. That’s a remarkable jump of $40,000 over last month’s figure. While the high end of the market continued to…
October 2021 . . . Kind of a Boring Month
The Bend Market . . . October 2021 We didn’t quite see all the ch-ch-changes that David Bowie had predicted last month. Instead, the Bend real estate market rocked on in October. We again saw more than 200 homes (single family residential on less than an acre) purchased . . . 212 to be exact….
Ch-Ch-Changes for the Bend Market
Ch-Ch-Changes Fall in Bend, and there’s more than just a whiff of change in the air for the local real estate market. It won’t happen immediately, and September was still pretty solid. We saw the purchase of 242 homes; median price hung tough at $650,000; overall inventory remained at just one month . . ….
The Bend Market Stabilized in August
Stable Market (?) The media said that the Bend real estate market “stabilized” in August. I guess I’m not really sure what that means. We still saw the purchase of 248 homes . . . surely not a record, but still a pretty respectable number. A year ago in August, 303 homes sold. The…
Bend Market Cooled (a little bit) in July
The Bend Market Cooled Despite the hottest July on record, fully nineteen days over 90 degrees, the Bend real estate market cooled just a bit (a very little bit) for the month. Granted, we still saw the purchase of 245 houses (single family residential on less than an acre), but some of the multi offer…
Hot, hot, hot! Bend Market Report
June 2021 . . . hot, hot, hot And not just the weather . . . quite a month! 250 homes (single family residential on less than an acre) purchased; and, as our fearless pundit had predicted, we actually had a sale that topped the 4 million level ($4,600,000 to be exact . . ….
May 2021 . . . The Bend Market Rolls On!
The Market What’s new? The Bend real estate market continued to roll in May. Looking solely at single family residential on less than an acre, we saw the purchase of 224 homes; another 168 went pending. Available inventory remained extremely tight–just .4 months overall . . . that’s about 12 days! Homes that were available…
Bend’s Median Price Jumps 10% in a Month!
Bend’s Median Price Jumps 10% in a Month! Not sure we’ve ever seen a month like this . . . the wild ride continued! Bend’s median priced home skyed to a nearly unfathomable $651,000 in April–a startling jump of 10% over March’s record price. The luxury market again led the charge with 40 homes (you’re…