John and Sandy Kohlmoos

December 2020 . . . More Inventory Woes

It’s Been A Long Year At long last, the end of a crazy year! The pandemic, economic turmoil, political unrest . . . so many unforeseen events and happenings. For most of us, the year couldn’t end soon enough. I think we’re all ready for a new chapter. Despite one of the warmest Decembers on…


And The Beat Goes On . . . Bend Real Estate

And The Beat Goes On . . . And the beat goes on . . . maybe not quite like the frenzy of the summer, but still pretty darn dynamic. If only we had some homes to sell! Available inventory again hit an all-time low–just .4 months overall (for new readers, sixth months of inventory…


Bend . . . now a “Zoom Town”

“Zoom Town” I guess we’re officially a “zoom town” now . . .  a catchy title coined by NPR’s Planet Money to denote towns sought by more Americans who are “no longer bound by a commute during the pandemic,” folks who have joined the hunt for a new place to call home (or second home);…


Bend Real Estate Report . . . August 2020

Like a Broken Record Like a broken record . . . the Bend real estate continues to roll on unabated. We hit the 300 purchase plateau for just the second time in recorded history (the previous time was last month) . . . at 303.  Despite the CODID-19 virus and poor air quality, the median…


The Bend Market is Bonkers!

Bonkers! The Bend real estate market is absolutely bonkers! For July, amidst the pandemic, we saw numbers never even dreamed of–the median price soared to $529,000 (up from $464,000 in June); and we saw the purchase of 318 homes! Both of these numbers are all-time highs, and have me contemplating a re-post of that lame…


“There’s Something Happening Here . . .”

There’s Something Happening Here (in Bend) As the astute reader has probably realized, we actually missed our May edition of this newsletter/blog . . . just the second time this has happened in the last five years! This time, the reason was bonafide (not some bogus excuse like too much great powder, biking the Via…


“Don’t Stand So Close To Me”

Sting pretty much got it right (click on the photo below) . . . especially timely today. April 2020 The first couple of weeks of the month looked pretty dismal . . . perhaps a bit of a hangover from the shelter-in-place ruling, the awkwardness of having kids (without friends)  around the house 24/7, the…


Coronavirus and the Bend Market

The Bend Market Of course things are different now, and the true impact of the Coronavirus on the Bend real estate market probably won’t be decipherable until next month (the majority of the March transactions were already in process before the “sheltering in place” mandate was made). Still, in March, the market performed quite well….


We’re All In This Together

Interesting Times It’s an interesting time we’re in . . . rightfully,  the process of selling real estate in Bend has taken a backseat to the coronavirus issues; maybe the reason this newsletter is so late in coming out. Still, life needs to go on, and, while I’ll try to refrain a bit from (my)…


January 2020 . . . “Start the year off right”

“Start the year off right . .” We finally got some snow, a bunch of it– 132 inches to be exact at Mt. Bachelor for the month. Spirits were high! And, borrowing the immortal words from Neal Sedaka, we all hoped January would “start the year off right” for Bend real estate. Well, I guess…