John and Sandy Kohlmoos

Real Estate in Powell Butte

Here are some recently-listed Powell Butte homes for sale: Display ALL Powell Butte real estate listings available on the MLS/IDX system. Powell Butte, named after the dramatic Powell Buttes (including Hat Rock and Battle Butte) which climb to almost 5200 feet, and seem to stand guard over the bucolic little community, is an unincorporated area…


Sunriver Real Estate

Check out some of the latest Sunriver real estate listings:   See ALL Sunriver homes for sale. I played golf in Sunriver yesterday. An old client (now a friend) had arrived in town the previous night, and suggested that we play the Woodlands course early. What could I say? Even though I’ve made the drive…


Sisters Oregon Homes

Explore recently listed Sisters, Oregon homes for sale:   See ALL Sisters real estate listings that are currently available. Sisters Oregon is a bit like an intricate tapestry . . . a place where the jagged white mountains meet the deep emerald of the tall ponderosa forests, then merge together with the muted sage-colored high…


The Parks at Broken Top

Home for sale in The Parks Community in Bend Oregon 61566 Devils Lake Dr, Bend Oregon $379,000 A charming 2-story Bend Home in The Parks is for sale; it is loaded with value and amenities. It is a classic Lee Iverson design, and may just be the best value real estate  available on the Bend…