John and Sandy Kohlmoos
September 2023 . . . Just A Tad Bit Uncertain!
Market Report . . . September 2023 This is starting to get kinda boring . . . as predicted, we did get more of the same in September. Though often considered a healthy month (181 sales in 2022; 242 in 2021), this past September just didn’t make it. Rising interest rates (topping out around 7.7%)…
Bend Real Estate . . . August 2023
A Bit of a Dud August real estate in Bend was a bit of a dud . . . maybe it was families wrapping up vacations or kids prepping for a return to school; maybe it was the smoke, or perhaps the continuing concerns about inflation or rising interest rates. Whatever the reasons, August was…
Ooof! Bend’s Median Price Hits $800,000
July Numbers The hoped for “big July” failed to materialize in Bend, as once again we fell short of the “Mendoza Line” (200 sales). In fact, with just 142 purchases (single family residential on less than an acre), after 6 consecutive months of increasing sales, we failed to reach the numbers of May and June….
AI and the Bend Real Estate Market
AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Real Estate The astute reader might notice that this post lacks the usual flair, the elan, and the casual dry wit of previous pieces. This month’s newsletter was written totally using AI and ChatGPT. A good month to test, but my apologies in advance . . . I won’t try it…
Bend’s Median Price Jumps $78,500 in a Month
May 2023 . . . In a Nutshell Makes for an exciting, perhaps hyperbolic, headline . . . a bump in median price of over $78,000 from April’s figure. But, I’m not altogether sure how much significance should be attached to the increase. . . we’re just about even with our median price from one…
April Showers . . .
April Showers The big excitement for Bend in April certainly wasn’t the performance of the real estate market. Instead, it was the weather–cold and wet, a seemingly endless string of powder days at Mt. Bachelor, a rainy/slushy/sloppy Rendezvan, maybe even the end of the drought. All this abruptly punctuated by a couple of summer-like days…
Bend Real Estate . . . March 2023
The Report . . . March 2023 The Real Estate numbers for Bend improved a wee bit in March . . . the weather did not (though Mt. Bachelor offered some of the best late season powder riding in memory, with a base of near 140 inches)! We topped 100 sales (single family residential on…
“Just The Facts, Ma’am”
Just The Facts Thought again about using emerging AI (Artificial Intelligence) and a chatbot, in this case ChatGPT, to see if it could replicate the inimitable style of this newsletter and save us some real time. Instead, we’ve decided on an altogether different tack. Impossible as it may seem, this month we’ll stick to just…
“I Hear That Train A Comin'” . . . January 2023
January 2023 Well, the Bend weather in January was almost as cold as the market (or maybe it’s the other way around). Whatever the case, as predicted, January was one to forget. We saw the purchase of just 83 homes (single family residential on less than an acre). That’s two consecutive months of less than…
Bend Real Estate . . . Uncertainty Ahead
December 2022 Just occasionally, our fearless pundit gets it right; when he does, unfortunately, he likes to toot his own horn. Case in point . . . a quote from last month’s “looking ahead” section, “In the short term, I think it’s unlikely that we’ll see 100 sales in December.” Truth be told, we saw…