365 Things To Do In Bend Oregon

365 Things To Do In Bend Oregon

I was feeling ambitious; the creative juices flowing.  I was contemplating the ultimate blog epistle . . . “365 Things to do in Bend Oregon.”  So what if I didn’t exactly come up with the original concept. It would still be great fodder for our website, an almost limitless supply of fascinating new topics (the “fresh content” that the pundits talk about and the search engines crave).

Then, I thought better of it . . . I’m a friggin’ real estate broker, not a writer. I know on what side my bread is buttered. So I scaled it back just a bit to “What I Did this Weekend.”

“Occupy Bend”

I had the good fortune  of working downtown at the Cascade Sotheby’s office last Saturday morning. My floor shift coincided with a parade of 400 to 500 folks from the “Occupy Bend” group as they marched singing and chanting down Wall St. Like a good cub reporter, I grabbed my expensive iPad and shot this dramatic video:

Cyclocross in Bend

On Sunday, I strolled downtown, accompanied by faithful wife and pretty dog.

We headed to the “Day of the Dead” cyclocross event.

There was great action and a cool course. The infield  was more like a festival . . . food, kids,

beer, riders in costume.

All the things that help to make Bend what it is! And a sunny, crisp fall day to boot!

A New “Tree” In Town

As I trudged back home, exhausted from the rigors of watching all that  cyclocross, I noticed, for the first time, what appeared to be a huge new tree on Mt. Washington Drive. I did a double take . . . not sure what type of tree it was.

Turns out it was a new cell tower, dressed up and disguised to resemble a tree. Only in Bend!

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